Monday, April 28, 2008

Alex is teething

Here's a new video of Alex. She is starting to teeth and wants to chew on everything around her, including the camera.

Alex eating

Alex is starting to eat a few baby foods. She has a lot of fun trying to eat both her food and her feet.


Steve & I went to Galena for a long weekend away from the baby. Here's a few pictures of the beautiful town.

Below is the hotel we stayed in, it's the oldest hotel in the nation still in operation.

These are the stairs school children used to walk up to get to school every day. We made them up, but it took a little while.

Ulysses S Grant spent time in the town, below is Grant's Park in his honor.

This is the inside of Grant's home. This is the room he was in when he found out he won the presidency.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Big Girl!

Alex is continuing to grow like a weed. We thought we'd share some new pictures and videos over the last few weeks. Enjoy!

This is her dress from Aunt Jackie. She's finally big enough to fit in it, so she wore it to church this Sunday.

Here's our skinny, long baby. She loves to stand up with just her hands being held.

Here is Alex & Steve's other game. She will not look at him no matter what he does. She usually giggles through it. This time she was too tired, but it is still funny to watch. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Going on a stroller ride

It's finally warm enough to get outside in the fresh air! Alex and mom went on a long walk Sunday and stopped by to see grandma and grandpa, who of course had to pull out the camera. Alex is propping up on her elbows when she's on her belly and even figured out how to roll on to her back from her stomach. She's loud as can be too. Now her screaming game with Stephen has become her normal talking volume. We think she just likes the sound of her own voice!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's Spring!

Here are pictures of Alex in her Easter dress. We had to get them from Grandpa because by the time we got her home, her dress had been spit up on a couple times too many.