Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just playing!

Alex likes to follow Steve when he isn't watching. She thinks she's pretty mischevious. Here's a short film of them playing. Alex is also standing for a few seconds with no hands and loves to 'walk' with us holding her hands. She is 9 months old today and getting SO big. She babbles all the time, and she's trying to put her noises together. It used to be da da da da da ... or ma ma ma maaa... Now it's da ma ba nay da da da ba baaa... She's also very into touching everything. She sticks out her pointer finger and touches everything, especially pictures. That's about it, enjoy!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Alyssa Tedrick got 2 baby swimming pools for her birthday, so Alex got to inherit one. This has been the first weekend that's been nice enough out and quiet enough at home to get it out. As you can see, she LOVED it. Thanks for sharing Ali!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's been too long...

Sorry for the major time lapse since the last post. Life's been crazy... Kirsten got married, I finished another class and have started 3 more... Alex is crawling, pulling up on the furniture, and getting ready to crawl.

We found out she has an intolerance to protein, which is why she's had all sorts of tummy problems. She's on special, expensive formula and can't have anything that has protein, so she's basically down to fruits and veggies. But it seems to be helping. Most babies grow out of this intolerance by their 1st birthday, so we're crossing our fingers that this will be the case for her.

Here's more pictures to enjoy, I'll try to add more soon!