Sunday, June 29, 2008

Da Da Da!!!

Alex is talking (kind of)! She has a one-word vocabulary that she yells, whispers, chants...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Alex Pics

I know this is what everyone wants... I've been too busy the last few weeks to post new pictures, so here's random ones from the last few weeks. Enjoy!

Bridal Shower

Kirsten is getting married in August, so we had a bridal shower for her today. Here's some pics from it. Alex dressed up in her "twinkle toes" tutu for the shower because that was her Aunt Kirsten's nickname as a kid. She is a dance teacher now.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pro Pictures

I took Alex to JCPenny last Saturday to get her pictures taken professionaly (finally). The proofs just got up on their website, so I thought I'd share. They're really small so you can't just take these to go get them printed yourself, but our order is placed and I'll have plenty to share next week after I pick them up. She didn't want to smile because she was fascinated by the camera and kept reaching for it. She really, really wanted to taste it. But at least she was happy. Enjoy!

I had to walk through the rain with her before she got her pictures taken, and I certainly wasn't planning to be in them, so my hair is frizzy. But I thought I'd share this one anyway!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's been a while...

Sorry it's been so long for new pictures. I'm back at school two nights a week and it's kicking my butt. Alex is huge and tons of fun. She's eating baby food, sitting up on her own for a few seconds at a time and has learned to say da-dy. It's all she says now. Enjoy the new pictures, hopefully we'll have time to add more again soon!