Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dietitian Update

I took Alex to the dietitian last week. She hasn't gained as much weight as they hoped, but given all the antibiotics, the dietitian isn't alarmed. We're starting to give Alex dairy products to see how she does, so far with success. She is drinking Pediasure 3x's a day instead of formula. It's the consistency of a milkshake and comes in chocolate and vanilla flavors. It is also about double the calories of formula.

The hope is she starts gaining weight like she should. She weighs almost 18 lbs, or two pounds away from getting her car seat turned around even though she's 14 months old, to put it in perspective for you. But she's thriving. She goes to the specialist next week to see about having tubes put in her ears. And we'll take her back to the dietitian in about a month.

Besides all this, Alex is still fantastic. We bought her a little foam chair that has Disney Princesses on it. It sits on the floor of our TV room, and she loves sitting in it like a big girl. I'll get some pictures of her in a few days, after I'm done driving to school for the week.

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